ip igmp mrdisc

Configure the multicast route discovery options to enable the automatic discovery of multicast-capable routers.


Command Parameters

maxadvertinterval <2-180>
Configures the maximum number (in seconds) between successive advertisements. For this change to take effect, you must save the configuration, and then reset the switch. The default is 20.
maxinitadvertinterval <2-180>
Configures the maximum number (in seconds) between successive initial advertisements. For this change to take effect, you must save the configuration, and then reset the switch. The default is 2.
maxinitadvertisements <2-15>
Configures the maximum number of initial multicast advertisements after initialization. For this change to take effect, you must save the configuration, and then reset the switch. The default is 3.
minadvertinterval <3-180>
Configures the minimum number (in seconds) between successive advertisements. For this change to take effect, you must save the configuration, and then reset the switch. The default is 15.
neighdeadinterval <2-180>
Configures the multicast router discovery dead interval-the number of seconds the multicast route neighbors for the switch must wait before assuming that the multicast router is down. The default is 60.



Command Mode

VLAN Interface Configuration